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Demonstration ‘Stop Turkish Interference in Syria’ (Pictures)

Today a demonstration was held in The Hague against Turkish interference in Syria. The demonstration began at the Malieveld and went from the Turkish embassy to the government quarter, the Binnenhof. Here are some pictures of the event. 

At the demonstration a group of around 100 people, including Syrians, Dutch, Belgians, Turks, Armenians and Kurds convened to commemorate the terrible events in the past few weeks and demonstrate against them. The violent death of Father van der Lugt in Homs, de raid on Kessab (from Turkey) and first of all, the death of so many murdered Syrians, were at the centre of concern. There was a brief manifestation near the Turkish embassy and then a demonstration including a manifestation on Plein square. There were speeches in front of the building of the Second Chamber, including by Sonja van den Ende. 

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